AAMI Key Updates: AAMI/ANSI ST98 (October 2022) – October 25-27, 2022

//AAMI Key Updates: AAMI/ANSI ST98 (October 2022) – October 25-27, 2022

AAMI Key Updates: AAMI/ANSI ST98 (October 2022) – October 25-27, 2022

Cleaning validation of health care products – Requirements for development and validation of a cleaning process for medical devices (ANSI/AAMI ST98) is a new, published standard. It replaces AAMI TIR30 and provides requirements to validate the medical device manufacturer’s cleaning processes for processing medical devices. This standard applies to all medical devices that require cleaning before each clinical use of the device. During this training, the design of validation methods, validation of the cleaning process, and endpoints will be discussed. Furthermore, the training will include examples from cleaning validations and test method investigations.

For registration information:  https://us-tdm-tso-15eb63ff4c6-1626e-169df4b0a12.force.com/s/lt-event?id=a1Y4U00000IoADz

2022-10-19T19:58:02+00:00October 19th, 2022|